The impact of worms
- Digestive system diseases.
- constipate.
- diarrhea.
- Flatulence.
- Weight loss or gain for no apparent reason.
- Rashes of various causes.
- allergy.
- Muscle and joint pain.
- General weakness.
- Nervous overexcitability.
- Memory loss.
- Increased fatigue, etc.

- Leucorrhea appears.
- Inflammation of the ovaries.
- Menstrual pain.
- Fibroma.
- Fibroids.
- Cyst.
- Adrenal gland inflammation.
- Bladder pathology.
- Renal dysfunction.
- prostatitis.
- Impotence.
- Nervous over-excitability, etc.
If you develop symptoms indicating a worm infection, you must urgently contact a medical provider for diagnosis, identification of the worms, and initiation of a treatment regimen.
- kidney.
- vessel.
- intestines.
- liver.

- intestines.
- liver.
- Stomach.
- kidney.
- vessel.
- joint.
Removing toxins and parasites from the body must begin in the body’s digestive system, as this is where large amounts of toxins accumulate. If the gastrointestinal tract is not cleansed, then there is no point in continuing treatment.
- Fatty meat and fish.
- Butter and desserts.
- Canned food.
- Semi-finished product.
- mushroom.
- Carbonated drinks.
- Alcohol.
- Spicy seasonings and sauces, etc.

- pumpkin seeds. To prepare the recipe, you need to take a cup of pumpkin seeds, grind them and mix them with honey and water. Use this paste on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time. It is not advisable to eat within 3 hours after eating pumpkin porridge. After this time, you will need to drink laxatives.
- To cleanse the liver, you need to take 1 kg of oatmeal, 200 g of kefir and 2 liters of water. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting porridge is then soaked in a cool place for several days. Strain the product, mix with a glass of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Take it before meals and the course of treatment is 2 weeks. This product should not be used for gastrointestinal lesions.
- Herbal collection. To purify the organs and blood vessels, take dandelion leaves, rosehips, celandine, mugwort and mint in equal proportions. Fill the floor with a few liters of clean water. Put the mixture on the fire and cook for 10-15 minutes. Place in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Use one teaspoon of this tincture daily. Within 3-4 weeks. The patient must then rest for a month and repeat the course of treatment.
- To rid your body of parasites, you can take dry fruits, whey and beet juice. To prepare, you need to take plums, dried apricots and raisins in equal proportions and pass them through a meat grinder. Add a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of oil. Place the resulting porridge in the refrigerator for 42 hours and take it in the evening for 30 days. During this period, waste and toxins are completely removed from the body.

Beetroot juice is a treasure trove of vitamins. The pectin contained in beets helps speed up the elimination of toxins from the body, helps strengthen the immune system, and is also very effective in increasing the level of red blood cells in the body. Beetroot juice can be consumed fresh every day for several weeks.